Tcl automation is one of the most powerful features integrated into the Vivado and Xilinx SDK tools and should be fully exploited to maximize your productivity as an FPGA developer. In this post I’ve put together a “cheat sheet” of some of the most useful commands and tricks that you can use to get more done through Tcl scripting. If you want more things added to the list, please let me know in the comments section at the end.
Vivado Tcl Automation Cheat Sheet
Get the Vivado install path Useful when you need access to the IP sources.
# Vivado install path (eg. "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2016.3")
set vivado_dir $::env(XILINX_Vivado)
Get the top level module name of a Vivado project We often need to know the top level module of a Vivado design so that we can appropriately name other things, such as the SDK hardware project. I think the easiest way to get this name is by searching for one of the files in the Vivado project that uses the top level module name. Some of these files are: *.bit, *.hwdef, *.sysdef, *.hdf
set hdf_filename [lindex [glob -dir $vivado_folder/$vivado_folder.sdk *.hdf] 0]
set hdf_filename_only [lindex [split $hdf_filename /] end]
set top_module_name [lindex [split $hdf_filename_only .] 0]
Open a Vivado project We first open a project in the Tcl script to be able to synthesize, implement and export the design.
# Open project
open_project $origin_dir/$proj_name/$proj_name.xpr
Synthesize a Vivado project The project has to be opened first.
# Synthesize project
launch_runs synth_1
wait_on_run synth_1
Implement a Vivado project The project has to be opened first.
# Implement project
launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream
wait_on_run impl_1
Export a Vivado project for SDK The code below works out the top module name from the bitstream file, then creates a .sdk subdirectory and then uses the write_sysdef command to export the design.
# Export project to SDK
set bit_filename [lindex [glob -dir $origin_dir/$proj_name/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1 *.bit] 0]
set bit_filename_only [lindex [split $bit_filename /] end]
set top_module_name [lindex [split $bit_filename_only .] 0]
set export_dir "$origin_dir/$proj_name/$proj_name.sdk"
file mkdir $export_dir
write_sysdef -force \
-hwdef "$origin_dir/$proj_name/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/$top_module_name.hwdef" \
-bitfile "$origin_dir/$proj_name/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/$top_module_name.bit" \
-meminfo "$origin_dir/$proj_name/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/$top_module_name.mmi" \
More info on Vivado Tcl For more information on the Vivado Tcl commands, refer to the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
Xilinx SDK Tcl Automation Cheat Sheet
Get the Xilinx SDK install path Useful when you need access to the driver and library sources.
# SDK install path (eg. "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2016.3")
set sdk_dir $::env(XILINX_SDK)
Create a hardware project in an SDK workspace To create a hardware project, you need to provide a name for the hardware project, such as ${top_module_name}_hw_platform_0, and the path to the .hdf file which is the exported Vivado project and is usually located in the Vivado project files in the $vivado_folder.sdk subdirectory. You can avoid an error message, by checking to see if it exists already.
if {[file exists "$hw_project_name"] == 0} {
createhw -name ${hw_project_name} -hwspec $hdf_filename
Get the name of the processor in the design When creating software applications, we have to specify which processor the application will execute on. To find out what processors are available in the hardware project, you can parse the output of the getperipherals procedure. The following function will return the first processor that it finds.
# Below is an example of the output of "getperipherals":
# ================================================================================
# ================================================================================
# axi_ethernet_0 7.0 axi_ethernet PERIPHERAL
# axi_ethernet_0_fifo 4.1 axi_fifo_mm_s PERIPHERAL
# gmii_to_rgmii_0 4.0 gmii_to_rgmii PERIPHERAL
# processing_system7_0 5.5 processing_system7
# ps7_0_axi_periph 2.1 axi_interconnect BUS
# ref_clk_fsel 1.1 xlconstant PERIPHERAL
# ref_clk_oe 1.1 xlconstant PERIPHERAL
# ps7_pmu_0 1.00.a ps7_pmu PERIPHERAL
# ps7_qspi_0 1.00.a ps7_qspi PERIPHERAL
# ps7_qspi_linear_0 1.00.a ps7_qspi_linear MEMORY_CNTLR
# ps7_axi_interconnect_0 1.00.a ps7_axi_interconnect BUS
# ps7_cortexa9_0 5.2 ps7_cortexa9 PROCESSOR
# ps7_cortexa9_1 5.2 ps7_cortexa9 PROCESSOR
# ps7_ddr_0 1.00.a ps7_ddr MEMORY_CNTLR
# ps7_ethernet_0 1.00.a ps7_ethernet PERIPHERAL
# ps7_ethernet_1 1.00.a ps7_ethernet PERIPHERAL
# ps7_usb_0 1.00.a ps7_usb PERIPHERAL
# ps7_sd_0 1.00.a ps7_sdio PERIPHERAL
# ps7_sd_1 1.00.a ps7_sdio PERIPHERAL
proc get_processor_name {hw_project_name} {
set periphs [getperipherals $hw_project_name]
# For each line of the peripherals table
foreach line [split $periphs "\n"] {
set values [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $line]
# If the last column is "PROCESSOR", then get the "IP INSTANCE" name (1st col)
if {[lindex $values end] == "PROCESSOR"} {
return [lindex $values 0]
return ""
Create an SDK workspace We really just target a directory as the SDK workspace, and if it’s empty, Xilinx SDK creates all of the files to describe the workspace.
set $sdk_ws_dir "./sdk"
if {[file exists $sdk_ws_dir] == 0} {
file mkdir $sdk_ws_dir
setws $sdk_ws_dir
Add a local repository to the workspace If your applications have to refer to some custom or modified libraries, then you will typically place them in a remote directory and add this directory as a local SDK repository to your workspace. You have to use the “setws” command first.
set $sdk_repo "../repo"
repo -set $sdk_repo
Create a software application from one of the Xilinx SDK templates Xilinx SDK comes with a few software application templates which are useful for doing basic hardware tests when bringing up new boards. The code below creates the lwIP Echo Server application. Notice that the code refers to the function get_processor_name which was described above.
# Generate the lwIP echo server application
createapp -name echo_server \
-app {lwIP Echo Server} \
-proc [get_processor_name $hw_project_name] \
-hwproject ${hw_project_name} \
-os standalone
Build the BSPs and software applications
# Build all
projects -build
More info on SDK Tcl A simple Google search brings up lots of old information about the SDK batch mode which has changed a lot since 2016.1. The best way to get more information about the Xilinx SDK Tcl commands is by going into the Xilinx SDK Help and searching with the keywords “batch mode”: 1. Open Xilinx SDK 2. Select Help->Help Contents 3. Type “batch mode” in the search field and press Enter. 4. Click on “XSCT Commands” in the search results. 5. Click on “SDK Projects” on the XSCT Commands page that opens.
There is also some limited but recent information on this answer record: