Ethernet gets robust

Ethernet gets robust

Announcing that the Robust Ethernet FMC is now in stock and available for purchase. Checkout the flashy new images of the first units, ravaging Ethernet packets in this tough new form factor.

Back in black

Back in black

Here’s a look at a batch of Ethernet FMCs fresh off the production line.

Ethernet FMC new batch

Using Chipscope and SDK at the same time

Today I was having problems debugging a design in Chipscope and SDK. For some reason, every time I used the Chipscope trigger (either the armed trigger or immediate) the Microblaze would reset or jump to another part of the code. I figured that Chipscope was messing with the stack pointer but I couldn’t find anything in the forums for such a problem. I finally came across a solution here: [14.6] SDK and Chipscope do not work together [Read More]

Sneak look at the new Robust Ethernet FMC

Sneak look at the new Robust Ethernet FMC
Here are the first images of my new product: the Robust Ethernet FMC. This new variation of the Ethernet FMC contains all the features of the standard version but has been designed to fit the 10mm height profile of the Vita 57.1 standard. The Robust Ethernet FMC is perfect for the more rugged gigabit Ethernet applications, and here’s why: 4 x 10mm stand-offs positioned to fit the mounting holes of the Vita 57. [Read More]

Comparison of Zynq SoMs

Comparison of Zynq SoMs
In the last year or so, there has been an explosion in the availability of System-on-Modules (SoMs) featuring the popular FPGA+ARM combo Zynq-7000 SoC from Xilinx. I’ve always promoted the idea that FPGAs and SoCs allow for faster design cycles and rapid proof-of-concept, but these SoMs take that advantage to another level. Let me explain why. In the past, I would handle most projects by doing a proof-of-concept on an evaluation board, then designing a custom board that integrates all the required components onto a single PCB. [Read More]

1.8V Version Ethernet FMC now available

1.8V Version Ethernet FMC now available
I recently received and tested the first 1.8V Ethernet FMCs and they are now available to buy on There are two main reasons why you’d actually want a 1.8V version: Firstly, some carriers only support VADJ of 1.8V (such as the VC707 and VC709). Secondly, some customers need to match it with another 1.8V FMC on a dual-FMC carrier. Releasing the new version didn’t come without headaches. Most FMC carriers on the market have a 2. [Read More]

Ethernet FMC performance benchmarks released

Ethernet FMC performance benchmarks released
One question I get a lot about the Ethernet FMC is: What is the maximum throughput? It’s a good question, so I created an example design to help me get the answer. The maximum throughput test design, that you can download on Github, uses four hardware packet generators (coded in VHDL) to feed the Ethernet MACs with back-to-back packets. These packets then get sent out of the Ethernet ports and get looped back into another Ethernet port through a CAT-5 cable. [Read More]

Ethernet FMC supports Xilinx Dev Boards

Support for the Xilinx Series-7 development boards AC701, KC705, VC707, ZC702 and ZC706 has been added to the Ethernet FMC product page. Now you can use the Ethernet FMC on any one of these boards and support up to 8 x gigabit Ethernet ports! That’s right, the KC705, VC707 and ZC702 have two FMC connectors allowing you to plug in two Ethernet FMCs, enabling 8 independent ports. AC701 - supports 1 x Ethernet FMC (4-ports) KC705 - supports 2 x Ethernet FMCs (8-ports) VC707 - supports 2 x Ethernet FMCs (8-ports) VC709 - supports 1 x Ethernet FMC (4-ports) ZC702 - supports 2 x Ethernet FMCs, but there’s only enough FPGA resources to configure the 8 MACs with FIFOs (not DMAs). [Read More]

Ethernet FMC first units shipped

Today I’m excited to announce that the first Ethernet FMCs were shipped! I would like to say thanks to all those who pre-ordered the Ethernet FMC, thanks for your patience and confidence and I hope the product enables you to develop new and exciting technologies in the networking space. I’ve had an insanely busy last few weeks trying to organize the production of the boards, testing the boards, as well as working out the packaging, labeling and shipping materials. [Read More]

Ethernet FMC is now available

Ethernet FMC is now available
Announcing that the new Ethernet FMC, a Quad Gigabit Ethernet FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) is now available to buy. The board is designed for easy integration with the ZedBoard, with open-source example designs so you can start designing your product sooner. The low-pin-count FMC features 4 Marvell PHYs, a 125MHz oscillator and a quad RJ45 with integrated magnetics. The Ethernet FMC is compliant to the Vita 57.1 FMC standard except for its height (due to the RJ45 connector) and its length. [Read More]